
Book A.

Book B.
7150 Requirements Guidance

Book C.

References, & Terms

(NASA Only)

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Wiki Markup
{table:style=width:100%;border:1px solid #aaa;padding:3px;border-radius:5px;background:#eaeada}{tr}{td:valign=top}{menuicon:about}{td}{td}This section contains special features and topics which contain material that is broader than any one Software Engineering requirement. Many take the form of how-to's and tutorials for those wishing to learn about the state of software engineering within NASA.{td}{tr}{table}

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Wiki Markup

{tr}{td} [7.1 - History and Overview of the Software Process Improvement (SPI) Effort|7.1 - History and Overview of the Software Process Improvement (SPI) Effort] {color:#999999}\- addresses the history of the NASA software improvement efforts to provide a background for the development of this electronic handbook{color} {td}
{td} [7.10 - Peer Review and Inspections Including Checklists|7.10 - Peer Review and Inspections Including Checklists] {color:#888888}\- describes the role of Peer Reviews and Inspections in {color}{color:#888888}detecting potential product defects and evaluating defects and tracking solutions integration into the product{color} {td}{tr}

{tr}{td} [7.2 - Classification Tool and Safety-Critical Assessment Tool|7.2 - Classification Tool and Safety-Critical Assessment Tool] {color:#999999}\- interactive tools to aid those responsible for determining the software classification and the software safety criticality{color} {td}
{td} [7.11 - Model Based Development and Auto-generated Code|7.11 - Model Based Development and Auto-generated Code] {color:#888888}\- {color}{color:#888888}addresses guidance for projects that desire to use model based development (MBDS){color} {td}{tr}

{tr}{td} [7.3 - Acquisition Guidance|7.3 - Acquisition Guidance] {color:#999999}\- guidance for implementing acquisition, intended for all persons responsible through the process, from the planning stages through contract closeout{color} {td}
{td} [7.12 - Qualification of Flight Software|7.12 - Qualification of Flight Software] {color:#888888}\- provides guidance in {color}{color:#888888}completing the qualification of flight software according to Agency-level requirements contained in the NPR 7150.2{color} {td}{tr}

{tr}{td} [7.4 - Flowdown of NPR Requirements on Contracts and to Other Centers in Multi-Center Projects|7.4 - Flowdown of NPR Requirements on Contracts and to Other Centers in Multi-Center Projects] {color:#999999}\- provides suggestions to the software lead for levying the Agency-level requirements contained in NPR 7150.2 to contracts and multi-center projects{color} {td}
{td}  [7.13 - Transitioning to a Higher Class|7.13 - Transitioning to a Higher Class] {color:#888888}\- {color}{color:#888888}addresses guidance for projects that desire to transition software from a lower to a higher classification{color} {td}

{tr}{td} [7.5 - Work Breakdown Structures That Include Software|7.5 - Work Breakdown Structures That Include Software] {color:#999999}\- provides guidance on the development of a work breakdown structure (WBS) for software on projects{color} {td}
{td} [7.14 - Implementing Measurement Requirements and Analysis for Projects|7.14 - Implementing Measurement Requirements and Analysis for Projects] {color:#888888}\- {color}{color:#888888}guidance on software measurement throughout the lifecycle, from the planning stages through implementation stages of collection, analysis and reporting{color} {td}{tr}

{tr}{td} [7.6 - Software Test Estimation and Testing Levels|7.6 - Software Test Estimation and Testing Levels] {color:#999999}\- provides guiding principles and best practices pertaining to software test estimation and a description of the typical "levels" of testing performed for a software project{color} {td}
{td}  [7.15 - Relationship Between NPR 7150.2 and NASA-STD-7009|7.15 - Relationship Between NPR 7150.2 and NASA-STD-7009] {color:#888888}\- discusses the relationship to NASA-STD-7009 (Models and Simulation){color} {td}{tr}

{tr}{td} [7.7 - Software Architecture Description|7.7 - Software Architecture Description]{color:#888888} - {color}{color:#888888}recommends the kinds of content that should appear in a software architecture description for NASA projects{color} {td}
{td} [7.16 - Traceability of 7150.2 to Other NPRs and NASA-STDs|7.16 - Traceability of 7150.2 to Other NPRs and NASA-STDs]{color:#888888} \- Mapping of 7150.2 to {color}{color:#888888}7120.4D, {color}{color:#888888}7123.1A, {color}{color:#888888}7120.5D, {color}{color:#888888}NASA-STD-8739.8, {color}{color:#888888}NASA-STD-8719.13B{color} {td}{tr}

{tr}{td} [7.8 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews|7.8 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews] {color:#888888}\- provides current guidance approved by the NASA Office of the Chief Engineer (OCE) for software engineering life cycle products and their maturity level at life cycle reviews{color} {td}
{td} [7.17 - 7150.2A Appendices (Definitions, References, etc.)|7.17 - 7150.2A Appendices (Definitions, References, etc.)]{color:#888888} \- content from the Appendices of {color}{color:#888888}NPR 7150.2A{color}{td}{tr}

{tr}{td} [7.9 - Entrance and Exit Criteria|7.9 - Entrance and Exit Criteria] {color:#888888}\- {color}{color:#888888}focused on the responsibilities of the software engineering community throughout the project life cycle reviews, in the areas of Entrance Criteria, Exit Criteria, and Materials for Review{color} {td}{tr}