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7.15 - Relationship Between NPR 7150.2 and NASA-STD-7009
of spacecraft and plume models. Analysis should be conducted on early and final designs." sre ll pi v-v Migration of unmigrated content dueSWE-055 - Requirements Validation
. cd smproj reports sa sre tool ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc dsc g f esc ll pi pm sar Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new pluginSWE-026 - Commitment Change Agreements
for this requirement. cd smproj records process sre ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm dsc g f esc pm pm-c Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin7.12 - Qualification of Flight Software
. Resources 5.1 Tools sra records sa sre sm cm design frr orr pi pm c-i v-v prod_desc sar Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new7.13 - Transitioning to a Higher Class
this process. 7.3 Resources 7.4 Tools sre analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc ensc dsc dnsc g f esc pi pp plan pm Migration of unmigrated contentSWE-054 - Corrective Action for Inconsistencies
of acceptance test results), train personnel in software walk throughs, and verify consistent engineering units on all parameters. cd reports sa sreSWE-134 - Safety Critical Software Requirements
." sam csma cd sdr sa process sre srr swrr analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc cm cdr design ll pdr pe pm sar Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new7.08 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews
2.1 Tools records sdr procedure process studies sre srr cdr design orr mcr mdr pi pdr plan pm c-i v-v sar sir trr Migration of unmigrated contentSWE-053 - Manage Requirements Changes
in the Faster, Better, Cheaper mode: Requirement changes without adequate resource adjustment." cd smproj reports sa sre tool analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc cscSWE-109 - Software Requirements Specification
to document requirements in terms that describe the intent very clearly; include graphics where possible." sam cd smproj sre srr swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc csc