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7.12 - Qualification of Flight Software
. Resources 5.1 Tools sra records sa sre sm cm design frr orr pi pm c-i v-v prod_desc sar Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a newSWE-027 - Use of Commercial, Government, and Legacy Software
of COTS products should be encouraged whenever practical in exploration programs. cd smproj sm acq_plan ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc dsc g f esc ll pf pmSWE-043 - Track Change Request
updates/upgrades of both software and hardware products." sam cce cd smproj reports records sa sm sse acq_plan ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm dsc g f esc ll7.03 - Acquisition Guidance
Tools cd reports sdr sm srr tool acq_plan analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr ensc dsc dnsc g esc mcr mdr pf plan pm in-over sar prr sir trrSWE-048 - Solicitation
for this lesson. cd sdr sa process sm srr swrr acq_plan ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc dnsc g f esc ll mcr mdr pdr pm in-over sir trr pm-c MigrationSWE-137 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Peer Reviews and Inspections of Software Plans
. sam cd reports sa process sre sm srr train swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc design g f esc ll pi pdr pe pm c-i v-v bp in-over trr MigrationSWE-089 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Basic Measurements
process sre sm srr tool train swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc cdr design g f ll pi pdr pe pm c-i v-v bp in-over trr Migration of unmigrated content due to installationSWE-119 - Software Documentation Requirements - Software Inspection, Peer Reviews, Inspections
of defects, and the time expended by engineers on the inspections are kept. sam cd reports sa process sre sm srr tool train swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc cscSWE-046 - Supplier Software Schedule
. cd smproj records sdr sm srr swrr analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc dnsc g frr f esc orr mcr mdr pdr plan pm in-over sar prr sir trr pm-cSWE-087 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections for Requirements, Test Plans, Design, and Code
, and acceptance plans." sam cd smproj reports sa process sre sm srr tool train swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc design g f esc ll pi pdr pe pm c