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  1. SWE-016 - Software Schedule

    Management." cd smproj records sdr process tool swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm cdr dsc dnsc g f esc ll pc pf pi pdr pp plan pm m-a prr trr pm-c
  2. SWE-095 - Directorate Measurement System

    characteristics. Example sets for each of these measures are listed in SWE-117. The selected measures are recorded in suitable Mission Directorate guidelines … stress tests." hqce reports records process ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc dsc g f esc ll Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new
  3. SWE-122 - Technical Authority Appointment

    ...and across program boundaries" to avoid weakening "the program's Phase A technical implementation." hqce cce cd records ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc
  4. SWE-128 - Technical Authority Records

    1. Requirements 6.3.7 The Center-level Engineering Technical Authority shall keep records of projects' compliance matrices, waivers, and deviations against … 2. Rationale The Center Engineering Technical Authority (TA) is required to maintain records for each project's compliance with NPR 7150.2 and records
  5. SWE-026 - Commitment Change Agreements

    for this requirement. cd smproj records process sre ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm dsc g f esc pm pm-c Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  6. 7.12 - Qualification of Flight Software

    environment, regression testing environment) properly accredited? Have the actual software verification records and analysis of the results been properly documented (e.g., test records, software peer review/inspection records) and preserved? Were all requirements properly verified, or otherwise treated (e.g., waived
  7. SWE-096 - Directorate Measurement Objectives

    or a similar parametric model, and compare the results with NASA's." hqce smproj records procedure process ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm dsc g f esc ll
  8. SWE-092 - Measurement Collection and Storage

    1. Requirements 4.4.3 The project shall specify and record data collection and storage procedures for their selected software measures and collect and store … . 2. Rationale The collection and storage procedures identified in this SWE-092 are to be selected and recorded to assure adequate collection and storage
  9. 7.08 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews

      P B   U Software User's Manual (SUM) B Records of Continuous Risk Management … (part of "Mission Operations Concept" or separate)   P U   B U Record of trade-off criteria & assessment (make / buy
  10. SWE-040 - Access to Software Products

    access tool web enabled with sufficient security protection so ...(users)...can have remote access...." sam cd smproj reports records ansc asc