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SWE-016 - Software Schedule
Management." cd smproj records sdr process tool swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm cdr dsc dnsc g f esc ll pc pf pi pdr pp plan pm m-a prr trr pm-c7.14 - Implementing Measurement Requirements and Analysis for Projects
. Resources 5.1 Tools reports records sdr pr sre srr tool swrr acq_plan analysis cdr design mcr mdr pdr pp plan pm c-i v-v m-a sar prr sir trr pm-c7.09 - Entrance and Exit Criteria
from this review are approved, baselined, and placed under configuration management Production Readiness Review (PRR) The PRR is held for projects developing or acquiring multiple similar or identical flight and/or ground support systems. The purpose of the PRR is to determine the readiness of the system developer(s7.03 - Acquisition Guidance
Tools cd reports sdr sm srr tool acq_plan analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr ensc dsc dnsc g esc mcr mdr pf plan pm in-over sar prr sir trrSWE-046 - Supplier Software Schedule
. cd smproj records sdr sm srr swrr analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc dnsc g frr f esc orr mcr mdr pdr plan pm in-over sar prr sir trr pm-c