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  1. 7.05 - Work Breakdown Structures That Include Software

    , and tracking of commitments from other organizations 5. Resources 5.1 Tools srr swrr acq_plan cm pf pi pp pm pm-c Migration of unmigrated content due
  2. 7.04 - Flowdown of NPR Requirements on Contracts and to Other Centers in Multi-Center Projects

    sam cd sa acq_plan pf pp plan pm pm-c Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  3. SWE-016 - Software Schedule

    Management." cd smproj records sdr process tool swrr ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm cdr dsc dnsc g f esc ll pc pf pi pdr pp plan pm m-a prr trr pm-c
  4. 7.06 - Software Test Estimation and Testing Levels

    SWE-114 Software Test Procedures SWE-118 Software Test Report 6. References 6.1 Tools sa acq_plan cdr in/over pf pdr pp pm v-v
  5. SWE-122 - Technical Authority Appointment

    ensc dsc dnsc esc ll pf plan in-over Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  6. SWE-098 - Agency PAL

    for this requirement. hqce smproj tool ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc ensc dsc dnsc g f esc h pf bp bice Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new
  7. SWE-099 - Center PAL Reviews

    No Lessons Learned have currently been identified for this requirement. hqce smproj ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc ensc dsc dnsc g f esc h pf pe pp pm
  8. SWE-001 - Effective Date

    ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc ensc dsc dnsc g f esc h pf pm Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  9. SWE-027 - Use of Commercial, Government, and Legacy Software

    of COTS products should be encouraged whenever practical in exploration programs. cd smproj sm acq_plan ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc dsc g f esc ll pf pm
  10. SWE-017 - Project and Software Training

    train acq_plan ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc g f esc ll orr pf plan pm sir trr Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin