



Page 1 of 7. Showing 65 results (0.006 seconds)

  1. 7.07 - Software Architecture Description

    , testing, and project management." sdr analysis design ll mdr pdr prod_desc Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  2. 7.06 - Software Test Estimation and Testing Levels

    SWE-114 Software Test Procedures SWE-118 Software Test Report 6. References 6.1 Tools sa acq_plan cdr in/over pf pdr pp pm v-v
  3. SWE-134 - Safety Critical Software Requirements

    ." sam csma cd sdr sa process sre srr swrr analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc cm cdr design ll pdr pe pm sar Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new
  4. 7.08 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews

    PDR CDR SIR TRR SAR ORR Software Development Plan (SDP) / Software Management Plan (SMP)   P P   B U … Review,  SRR = System Requirements Review,  MDR = Mission Definition Review,  SDR = System Definition Review,  PDR = Preliminary Design Review,  CDR = Critical
  5. SWE-104 - Software Test Plan

    cnsc cdr dsc dnsc g f esc ll pi pdr plan pm v-v sir trr Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  6. SWE-065 - Test Plan, Procedures, Reports

    conditions..." cd reports sa procedure ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc dnsc g f esc ll pi pdr plan pm c-i v-v sar sir trr Migration of unmigrated
  7. SWE-059 - Bidirectional Traceability Between Software Requirements and Software Design

    asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cdr dsc design g f esc ll pi pdr pm trr Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  8. SWE-060 - Coding Software

    pi pdr pm c-i v-v bp Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  9. SWE-109 - Software Requirements Specification

    cnsc cdr dsc dnsc g f esc ll pi pdr pm prod_desc Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  10. SWE-130 - Develop a Software Safety Plan

    identified for this requirement. hqce sam csma smproj sdr sa sse srr swrr acq_plan ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cm cdr dsc g f esc h pdr pe plan pm bp sar Migration