



Page 1 of 4. Showing 31 results (0.006 seconds)

  1. 7.06 - Software Test Estimation and Testing Levels

    of the critical, high, and normal categories. The knowledge or determination that some requirements gain higher priorities over other requirements may be factored … SWE-114 Software Test Procedures SWE-118 Software Test Report 6. References 6.1 Tools sa acq_plan cdr in/over pf pdr pp pm v-v
  2. SWE-122 - Technical Authority Appointment

    ensc dsc dnsc esc ll pf plan in-over Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  3. SWE-128 - Technical Authority Records

    h pm in-over Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  4. SWE-100 - Software Training Funding

    asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc ensc dsc dnsc g f esc h in-over Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  5. SWE-027 - Use of Commercial, Government, and Legacy Software

    may have a history of successful applications over many runs. No new software errors have been found in the code in some time and it has been reliable through … , and providing an automated level of fail-over processing to enhance reliability. The successful integration of COTS products into the SAFS system has been key
  6. SWE-040 - Access to Software Products

    bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm dsc g f esc ll pm m-a in-over pm-c acq_plan Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  7. SWE-101 - Center SW Training Plans

    capabilities. 3. Guidance The nature of NASA projects varies considerably across Centers and over the years. Planning for individual projects … ensc dsc dnsc g f esc h pp plan in-over Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  8. SWE-044 - Supplier Metric Data

    csma cd reports acq_plan ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc cm dsc dnsc g f esc ll pf plan pm m-a in-over pm-c Migration of unmigrated content due to installation
  9. SWE-045 - Project Participation in Audits

    in-over pm-c Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  10. SWE-091 - Measurement Selection

    smproj md reports records process tool acq_plan analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc csc cnsc dsc g f esc ll pp plan pm m-a in-over pm-c Migration of unmigrated content due