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7.11 - Model Based Development and Auto-generated Code
Software Project Lead MBDS analysis and selection, project procedure development Software Engineers Carrying out recommended practices V&V … record. Determine what, if any, analysis exists to verify the software produced by the MBDS. Consider the MBDS's integration with other project tools7.07 - Software Architecture Description
determination 3.7 Quality Attribute Analysis Quality attributes that are important in mission software often include availability, modifiability, performance … ), and AADL (Architecture Analysis & Design Language), but architecture descriptions need not be restricted to such diagrams. Examples of useful views: RunSWE-135 - Static Analysis
1. Requirements 3.3.3 The project shall ensure that results from static analysis tool(s) are used in verifying and validating software code. 1.1 Notes Modern static code analysis tools can identify a variety of issues and problems, including but not limited to dead code, non-compliances with coding standards7.13 - Transitioning to a Higher Class
questions should be considered when evaluating transition versus new development solutions. Some of these topics are addressed in more detail in later analysis … level requirements? If not already performed or data is not current, conduct static analysis to identify existing errors in the code, identify missing piecesSWE-134 - Safety Critical Software Requirements
." sam csma cd sdr sa process sre srr swrr analysis ansc asc bsc bnsc cm cdr design ll pdr pe pm sar Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a newSWE-053 - Manage Requirements Changes
SWE-052 for guidance on requirements traceability and SWE-080 for guidance on impact analysis, including cost, technical, and schedule impacts. For contracted … changes, managing requirements changes, analyzing those changes for cost, technical, and schedule impacts, and documentation of the analysis results. Keep in mindSWE-106 - Software Assurance Plan
- The [safety] analysis methodology [for software design] shall be recorded in an appropriate document (e.g., software safety plan or software assurance plan). - The [safety] analysis methodology [for software implementation, e.g., code] shall be recorded in an appropriate document (e.g., software safety planSWE-033 - Acquisition vs. Development Assessment
document the results of the analysis as well as the raw data that was collected and evaluated to arrive at the final solution. Involve the relevant stakeholders … , Center procedures addressing decision analysis and resolution may be helpful in planning and carrying out the assessment and selection process. 4. Small ProjectsSWE-021 - Transition to a Higher Class
acceptable risk boundaries. This may include a formal risk and hazards analysis conducted by a software assurance and safety professional. Revisit and update … and design that does not meet the requirements of the higher classification. The result of this analysis may provide the basis for the project to reduce or eliminateSWE-070 - Models, Simulations, Tools
1. Requirements 3.4.6 The project shall verify, validate, and accredit software models, simulations, and analysis tools required to perform qualification of flight software or flight equipment. 1.1 Notes Center processes address issues such as numerical accuracy, uncertainty analysis, and sensitivity analysis