Quotes from references are used on many SWE and Topic pages. They range from: The traditional way of acknowledging a quote is to put the text between quotation marks, followed by a citation describing where the quotation is taken from. The traditional method is used on various SWEHB pages along with some other methods: With SWEHBVD, we have an opportunity to resolve how quotes will be handled. Some examples of how quotes are currently handled in SWEHBVC are shown in the tabs on this page. The achievement of the goals and objectives of the project requires in-depth planning to develop and document and maintain an integrated set of work activities and tasks. This is normally accomplished through the use of a networked schedule. The schedule needs to include all the major activities for the project, along with its milestones and deliverables, to completely characterize all the work to be done on the project. This characterization, in turn, will allow the development of a complete listing and scheduling of needed personnel and related resources. The software development team lead generates a software development schedule to include all activities described in the software development plan in response to the overall project/system schedule. The planned software activities need to include the detailed steps and tasks on a software schedule that meshes with the overall project schedule to assure timely and coordinated availability of the software work products for use in the overall system. Once the initial software schedule is developed and baselined, it needs to be maintained and updated to remain consistent with the overall schedule for the project. This will eliminate overlapping demands and ensure the timely availability of project resources. “The purpose of schedule management is to provide the framework for time-phasing, resource planning, coordination, and communicating the necessary tasks within a work effort. The intent is to improve schedule management by providing recommended concepts, processes, and techniques used within the Agency and private industry.” 488 The NASA Scheduling Management Handbook provides “guidance for meeting the scheduling requirements contained in NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements 082, NPR 7120.7, NASA Information Technology and Institutional Infrastructure Program and Project Requirements 264, NPR 7120.8, NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements 269, and NPD 1000.5, Policy for NASA Acquisition 489. The NASA Scheduling Management Handbook also describes the schedule management approach and [associated] recommended best practices ...” 488 It is acknowledged that most, if not all, external organizations participating in NASA programs/projects will have their own internal schedule management documents. Issues that arise from conflicting schedule guidance will be resolved on a case by case basis as contracts and partnering relationships are established. It is also acknowledged and understood that all projects are not the same and may require different levels of schedule visibility, scrutiny, and control. Project type, value, and complexity are factors that typically dictate which schedule management practices should be employed.” 488 A Gantt chart 192 is a useful tool for planning and scheduling projects. Program Evaluation and Review Technique charts (PERT) can be used to show dependencies of activities that are contained in the schedule. They can help determine critical paths, key events, and need dates. Tools such as Microsoft® Office Project, OmniGroup® Omniplan, or Oracle ® Primavera can be used to schedule and track software development activities. The software schedule can be developed and maintained using the following process steps: 001 Develop the schedule: The achievement of the goals and objectives of the project requires in-depth planning to develop and document and maintain an integrated set of work activities and tasks. This is normally accomplished through the use of a networked schedule. The schedule needs to include all the major activities for the project, along with its milestones and deliverables, to completely characterize all the work to be done on the project. This characterization, in turn, will allow the development of a complete listing and scheduling of needed personnel and related resources. The software development team lead generates a software development schedule to include all activities described in the software development plan in response to the overall project/system schedule. The planned software activities need to include the detailed steps and tasks on a software schedule that meshes with the overall project schedule to assure timely and coordinated availability of the software work products for use in the overall system. Once the initial software schedule is developed and baselined, it needs to be maintained and updated to remain consistent with the overall schedule for the project. This will eliminate overlapping demands and ensure the timely availability of project resources. "Scheduling is an essential component of planning and managing the activities of a project. The process of creating a network schedule provides a standard method for defining and communicating what needs to be done, how long it will take, and how each element of the project WBS might affect other elements. A complete network schedule may be used to calculate how long it will take to complete a project; which activities determine that duration (i.e., critical path activities); and how much spare time (i.e., float) exists for all the other activities of the project" 273. “The purpose of schedule management is to provide the framework for time-phasing, resource planning, coordination, and communicating the necessary tasks within a work effort. The intent is to improve schedule management by providing recommended concepts, processes, and techniques used within the Agency and private industry.” 488 The NASA Scheduling Management Handbook provides “guidance for meeting the scheduling requirements contained in NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements 082, NPR 7120.7, NASA Information Technology and Institutional Infrastructure Program and Project Requirements 264, NPR 7120.8, NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements 269, and NPD 1000.5, Policy for NASA Acquisition 489. The NASA Scheduling Management Handbook also describes the schedule management approach and [associated] recommended best practices ...” 488 It is acknowledged that most, if not all, external organizations participating in NASA programs/projects will have their own internal schedule management documents. Issues that arise from conflicting schedule guidance will be resolved on a case by case basis as contracts and partnering relationships are established. It is also acknowledged and understood that all projects are not the same and may require different levels of schedule visibility, scrutiny, and control. Project type, value, and complexity are factors that typically dictate which schedule management practices should be employed.” 488 The software development lead develops a preliminary software schedule that integrates with the overall project/system schedule, noting the dates for task completion/delivery, software peer reviews/inspections, deliverables, integration/testing, hardware tests, major project reviews, project milestones, purchases, training, documentation, and other pertinent scheduling data. It typically shows the relationships and dependencies of the software work products on hardware, operations, and training needs. The lead includes activities related to other key processes, such as acquisition, metrics, configuration management, and software assurance. The lead also refines the project's software schedule based on the cost estimate and resources obtained. The software schedule is developed and maintained following the guidance provided in NASA/SP-2010-3403, NASA Schedule Management Handbook 488 and is typically documented as part of the software management plan (see SDP-SMP). For NASA Space Flight Projects, this Handbook provides a table of software life cycle products and their maturity milestone reviews [e.g., preliminary design review (PDR), critical design review (CDR)] in 7.8 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews to assist in planning the software schedule. A Gantt chart 192 is a useful tool for planning and scheduling projects. Program Evaluation and Review Technique charts (PERT) can be used to show dependencies of activities that are contained in the schedule. They can help determine critical paths, key events, and need dates. Tools such as Microsoft® Office Project, OmniGroup® Omniplan, or Oracle ® Primavera can be used to schedule and track software development activities. The software schedule can be developed and maintained using the following process steps: 001 Develop the schedule: The achievement of the goals and objectives of the project requires in-depth planning to develop and document and maintain an integrated set of work activities and tasks. This is normally accomplished through the use of a networked schedule. The schedule needs to include all the major activities for the project, along with its milestones and deliverables, to completely characterize all the work to be done on the project. This characterization, in turn, will allow the development of a complete listing and scheduling of needed personnel and related resources. The software development team lead generates a software development schedule to include all activities described in the software development plan in response to the overall project/system schedule. The planned software activities need to include the detailed steps and tasks on a software schedule that meshes with the overall project schedule to assure timely and coordinated availability of the software work products for use in the overall system. Once the initial software schedule is developed and baselined, it needs to be maintained and updated to remain consistent with the overall schedule for the project. This will eliminate overlapping demands and ensure the timely availability of project resources. “The purpose of schedule management is to provide the framework for time-phasing, resource planning, coordination, and communicating the necessary tasks within a work effort. The intent is to improve schedule management by providing recommended concepts, processes, and techniques used within the Agency and private industry.” 488 The NASA Scheduling Management Handbook provides “guidance for meeting the scheduling requirements contained in NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements 082, NPR 7120.7, NASA Information Technology and Institutional Infrastructure Program and Project Requirements 264, NPR 7120.8, NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements 269, and NPD 1000.5, Policy for NASA Acquisition 489. The [NASA Scheduling Management Handbook also describes] the schedule management approach and [associated] recommended best practices ...” 488 It is acknowledged that most, if not all, external organizations participating in NASA programs/projects will have their own internal schedule management documents. Issues that arise from conflicting schedule guidance will be resolved on a case by case basis as contracts and partnering relationships are established. It is also acknowledged and understood that all projects are not the same and may require different levels of schedule visibility, scrutiny, and control. Project type, value, and complexity are factors that typically dictate which schedule management practices should be employed.” 488 The software development lead develops a preliminary software schedule that integrates with the overall project/system schedule, noting the dates for task completion/delivery, software peer reviews/inspections, deliverables, integration/testing, hardware tests, major project reviews, project milestones, purchases, training, documentation, and other pertinent scheduling data. It typically shows the relationships and dependencies of the software work products on hardware, operations, and training needs. The lead includes activities related to other key processes, such as acquisition, metrics, configuration management, and software assurance. The lead also refines the project's software schedule based on the cost estimate and resources obtained. The software schedule is developed and maintained following the guidance provided in NASA/SP-2010-3403, NASA Schedule Management Handbook 488 and is typically documented as part of the software management plan (see SDP-SMP). For NASA Space Flight Projects, this Handbook provides a table of software life cycle products and their maturity milestone reviews [e.g., preliminary design review (PDR), critical design review (CDR)] in 7.8 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews to assist in planning the software schedule. This shows how the passages would look using a panels with titles to contain the citations. The achievement of the goals and objectives of the project requires in-depth planning to develop and document and maintain an integrated set of work activities and tasks. This is normally accomplished through the use of a networked schedule. The schedule needs to include all the major activities for the project, along with its milestones and deliverables, to completely characterize all the work to be done on the project. This characterization, in turn, will allow the development of a complete listing and scheduling of needed personnel and related resources. The software development team lead generates a software development schedule to include all activities described in the software development plan in response to the overall project/system schedule. The planned software activities need to include the detailed steps and tasks on a software schedule that meshes with the overall project schedule to assure timely and coordinated availability of the software work products for use in the overall system. Once the initial software schedule is developed and baselined, it needs to be maintained and updated to remain consistent with the overall schedule for the project. This will eliminate overlapping demands and ensure the timely availability of project resources. "Scheduling is an essential component of planning and managing the activities of a project. The process of creating a network schedule provides a standard method for defining and communicating what needs to be done, how long it will take, and how each element of the project WBS might affect other elements. A complete network schedule may be used to calculate how long it will take to complete a project; which activities determine that duration (i.e., critical path activities); and how much spare time (i.e., float) exists for all the other activities of the project" 273. “The purpose of schedule management is to provide the framework for time-phasing, resource planning, coordination, and communicating the necessary tasks within a work effort. The intent is to improve schedule management by providing recommended concepts, processes, and techniques used within the Agency and private industry.” 488 The NASA Scheduling Management Handbook provides “guidance for meeting the scheduling requirements contained in NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements 082, NPR 7120.7, NASA Information Technology and Institutional Infrastructure Program and Project Requirements 264, NPR 7120.8, NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements 269, and NPD 1000.5, Policy for NASA Acquisition 489. The NASA Scheduling Management Handbook also describes the schedule management approach and [associated] recommended best practices ...” 488 It is acknowledged that most, if not all, external organizations participating in NASA programs/projects will have their own internal schedule management documents. Issues that arise from conflicting schedule guidance will be resolved on a case by case basis as contracts and partnering relationships are established. It is also acknowledged and understood that all projects are not the same and may require different levels of schedule visibility, scrutiny, and control. Project type, value, and complexity are factors that typically dictate which schedule management practices should be employed.” 488 The software development lead develops a preliminary software schedule that integrates with the overall project/system schedule, noting the dates for task completion/delivery, software peer reviews/inspections, deliverables, integration/testing, hardware tests, major project reviews, project milestones, purchases, training, documentation, and other pertinent scheduling data. It typically shows the relationships and dependencies of the software work products on hardware, operations, and training needs. The lead includes activities related to other key processes, such as acquisition, metrics, configuration management, and software assurance. The lead also refines the project's software schedule based on the cost estimate and resources obtained. The software schedule is developed and maintained following the guidance provided in NASA/SP-2010-3403, NASA Schedule Management Handbook 488 and is typically documented as part of the software management plan (see SDP-SMP). For NASA Space Flight Projects, this Handbook provides a table of software life cycle products and their maturity milestone reviews [e.g., preliminary design review (PDR), critical design review (CDR)] in 7.8 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews to assist in planning the software schedule. A Gantt chart 192 is a useful tool for planning and scheduling projects. Program Evaluation and Review Technique charts (PERT) can be used to show dependencies of activities that are contained in the schedule. They can help determine critical paths, key events, and need dates. Tools such as Microsoft® Office Project, OmniGroup® Omniplan, or Oracle ® Primavera can be used to schedule and track software development activities. The software schedule can be developed and maintained using the following process steps: 001 Develop the schedule:
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1. Introduction
2. Large quotes using FLOATBOX macro
2.1 - From SWE-016 using all FLOATBOX macros
The software development lead develops a preliminary software schedule that integrates with the overall project/system schedule, noting the dates for task completion/delivery, software peer reviews/inspections, deliverables, integration/testing, hardware tests, major project reviews, project milestones, purchases, training, documentation, and other pertinent scheduling data. It typically shows the relationships and dependencies of the software work products on hardware, operations, and training needs. The lead includes activities related to other key processes, such as acquisition, metrics, configuration management, and software assurance. The lead also refines the project's software schedule based on the cost estimate and resources obtained. The software schedule is developed and maintained following the guidance provided in NASA/SP-2010-3403, NASA Schedule Management Handbook 488 and is typically documented as part of the software management plan (see SDP-SMP). For NASA Space Flight Projects, this Handbook provides a table of software life cycle products and their maturity milestone reviews [e.g., preliminary design review (PDR), critical design review (CDR)] in 7.8 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews to assist in planning the software schedule. 3. Panels
3.1 From SWE-016 using Panels
4. Traditional Quotes
4.1 From SWEHBVC version of SWE-016 - Hard to tell the quotes from other content
"Scheduling is an essential component of planning and managing the activities of a project. The process of creating a network schedule provides a standard method for defining and communicating what needs to be done, how long it will take, and how each element of the project WBS might affect other elements. A complete network schedule may be used to calculate how long it will take to complete a project; which activities determine that duration (i.e., critical path activities); and how much spare time (i.e., float) exists for all the other activities of the project" 273.5. Combination
5.1 - Adapted from SWE-016
SWEHB Styles - Quotations
Web Resources
View this section on the websiteUnknown macro: {page-info}
"Scheduling is an essential component of planning and managing the activities of a project. The process of creating a network schedule provides a standard method for defining and communicating what needs to be done, how long it will take, and how each element of the project WBS might affect other elements. A complete network schedule may be used to calculate how long it will take to complete a project; which activities determine that duration (i.e., critical path activities); and how much spare time (i.e., float) exists for all the other activities of the project" 273.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Schedule Management Handbook,