
The Healthcheck page is used to quickly determine if there are broken plugins or macros in the SWEHB. Most of the plugins and macros used in the SWEHB are included in this page along with tips on how they are used and interrelate. 

The Alias macro should not be seen If it is broken you will see an error message with a red background like "The license could not be verified: License Certificate has expired!" for example.   

Set-Data is a macro. It should not be seen on the page unless there is a problem. If it is broken you will see an error message with a red background like "The license could not be verified: License Certificate has expired!"

  • Tested 12/8/2023


The TABSETUP macro is responsible for the page being displayed like a set of tabbed index cards. If you don't see tha tabbed cards you will know that the macro is broken. You may also see an error message.

Additionally, if the TABSETUP macro is broken you may see the content of the remaining tabs listed on the page without tabs.


This macro is typically used outside of the tab set (above). Its purpose is to tell the SWEREF macro which tab contains the References (REFSTABLE macro). It is present only if the References are on a tab other than the fifth tab.

2. Panel and Note Macro

The TERM macro is no longer used. .

This text should be in a grey box since it is contained within a Panel macro. The Panel macro is a standard feature of Confluence.

Quote Panel

This panel with a blue border is used for quotes. 

PAT panel

This panel with a green border is used for PATs

This text should be in a yellow box with a triangular icon in front of it.  The Note macro is a standard feature of Confluence.

This text should be in a red box with a square icon in front of it. The Warning macro is a standard feature of Confluence

3. SWEREF Macro

There should be a number "438" at the end of this sentence. $param0. SWEREF macro is broken. It has been replaced by SWEREFN below.

This uses the SWEREFN macro which should show the number "123" at the end of this sentence. 123

Clicking on the superscript number should take you to tab 4 - the Resources tab. If it does not take you there then the SWEREFSETTAB macro is not working or the "Set Data" macro is not working.

The number should look like a link (color blue) and rendered as a superscript. If the SWEREF macro is broken you may see an error message like "The license could not be verified: License Certificate has expired!" onclick="scrollTo(0,0)">438

This tab contains two user macros

4. Resources - REFSTABLE Macro

The REFSTABLE macro should provide a list of references from the children of the References Table page. In this case, the ones that are tagged with the "Intro" tag. REFSTABLE is a user macro and is not supported by any outside organization.

When it is working properly you should see an info panel with the text "Click here to view master references table." in a blue background. above a bulleted list of references. If it is not working you may see an error message with a red background like "The license could not be verified: License Certificate has expired!".

Tools - TOOLSTABLE Macro

The TOOLSTABLE macro should provide a list of tools from the children of the Tools Table page. In this case, the ones that are tagged with the "Intro" tag. TOOLSTABLE is a user macro and is not supported by any outside organization.

When it is working properly you should see an info panel with the text "Tools relative to this SWE may be found in the table below. You may ..." in a blue background. above a bulleted list of tools. If it is not working you may see an error message with a red background like "The license could not be verified: License Certificate has expired!".

5.1 Tools

Tools to aid in compliance with this SWE, if any, may be found in the Tools Library in the NASA Engineering Network (NEN).

NASA users find this in the Tools Library in the Software Processes Across NASA (SPAN) site of the Software Engineering Community in NEN.

The list is informational only and does not represent an “approved tool list”, nor does it represent an endorsement of any particular tool. The purpose is to provide examples of tools being used across the Agency and to help projects and centers decide what tools to consider.

5. Other User Macros and Plugins


The "applicable" macro is used to display a table of applicable software classes that a SWE page belongs to. "APPLICABLE"is a user macro and is not supported by any outside organization.

If it is working properly, you will see a table of classes (a through h) with (tick)





























Key:    A_SC = Class A Software, Safety-Critical | A_NSC = Class A Software, Not Safety-Critical | ... | - Applicable | - Not Applicable
X - Applicable with details, read above for more | P(C) - P(Center), follow center requirements or procedures

"Applicable b"

The "applicable b" macro is used to display a table of applicable software classes that a SWE page belongs to. "APPLICABLE b"is a user macro and is not supported by any outside organization.

If it is working properly, you will see a table of classes (a through h) with either (tick)























Key:    - Applicable | - Not Applicable

"Applicable c"

The "applicable c" macro is used to display a table of applicable software classes that a SWE page belongs to. "APPLICABLE c" is a user macro and is not supported by any outside organization.

If it is working properly, you will see a table of classes (a through h) with either (tick)















Key:    - Applicable | - Not Applicable

Scaffolding and Report Plugins

The Scaffolding and Report plugings are add-ons to the Confluence wiki software. They are developed and supported by ServiceRocket.

These plugins are critical for the operation of several user macros including

  • Set Data

6. TOC Macro

This is a panel

7. Show if Macro

The Show if macro will display its contents only to members of the "confluence-users" group. a Show if macro is in the panel below.

8. Gliffy Plugin

Panel with a Gliffy in it from topic 8.9 tab 2. 

Figure 1: Software Function Definition Example

Software Function Definition Example

9. Expand

You should see this text when expand is working. 

  • No labels