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Return to 7.18 - Documentation Guidance Minimum recommended content for the Software Test Report. a. Overview of the test results: b. Detailed test results: c. Test log: d. Rationale for decisions. When testing software, it is important to capture the outcome of tests used to verify requirements, functionality, safety, and other aspects of the software. It is also important to capture any decisions based on the outcome of those tests. Test reports capture that information and more for purposes including but not limited to: As noted above, software test reports document an assessment of the software based on the test results, the detailed test results, a log of the testing activities, and the rationale for any decisions made during the testing process. The software test reports may be tailored by software classification. Goddard Space Flight Center's (GSFC)'s 580-STD-077-01, Requirements for Minimum Contents of Software Documents, provides one suggestion for tailoring software test reports based on the required contents and the classification of the software being tested. Test reports are to be written following each type of testing activity, such as a pass of unit or integration tests. Note that NASA-GB-8719.13, NASA Software Safety Guidebook 276, recommends formal unit test reports to be written for safety-critical unit tests, while other unit tests' reports may be as simple as notes in a log book. Also note, however, that project planning will include a determination of the degree of formality for the various types of testing, including unit and integration testing, and that formality needs to be documented in the project's software development plan (SDP). Depending on a project's defined procedures, test reports can be of multiple types: Preliminary Test Reports Detailed Test Reports Prepared at the end of each test session. Prepared within a week of test execution. Provide rapid assessment of how software is working. Describe problems but do not identify their sources in the code. Provide early indications of any major problems. Prepared by test team by analyzing results obtained during test sessions, using hand calculations and detailed comparisons with expected results. Prepared by test team on basis of a "quick-look" evaluation of the executions. To identify and properly configuration manage the test environment used for testing, include the following information in the test report: Test reports are to provide evidence of the thoroughness of the testing, including: Issues that may arise related to software test reports include: Useful processes or recommended practices for software test reports include: Additional guidance related to software testing may be found in the following requirements in this Handbook: For projects with small budgets or small team size, the following approaches may be helpful in reducing the time and cost of preparing software test reports: No Lessons Learned have currently been identified for this requirement. No other Lessons Learned have currently been identified for this requirement.
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1. Minimum Recommended Content
2. Rationale
3. Guidance
4. Small Projects
5. Resources
5.1 References
5.2 Tools
6. Lessons Learned
6.1 NASA Lessons Learned
6.2 Other Lessons Learned