
This tab contains links to the Minimum Contents guidance for Work Products listed in NPR 7150.2D, including those in Chapter 6 - Recommended Software Records Content. 

5.01 - CR-PR - Software Change Request - Problem Report -  Minimum recommended content for the Software Change Request - Problem Report. 

5.02 - IDD - Interface Design Description -Minimum recommended content for the Interface Design Description. 

5.03 - Inspect - Software Inspection, Peer Reviews, Inspections Minimum recommended content for the Software Inspection, Peer Reviews, Inspections. 

5.04 - Maint - Software Maintenance Plan Minimum recommended content for the Software Maintenance Plan. 

5.05 - Metrics - Software Metrics Report - Minimum recommended content for the Software Metrics Report. 

5.06 - SCMP - Software Configuration Management Plan - Minimum recommended content for the Software Configuration Management Plan. 

5.07 - SDD - Software Data Dictionary - Minimum recommended content for the Software Data Dictionary. 

5.08 - SDP-SMP - Software Development - Management Plan - Minimum recommended content for the Software Development - Management Plan. 

5.09 - SRS - Software Requirements Specification - Minimum recommended content for the Software Requirements Specification. 

5.10 - STP - Software Test Plan - Minimum recommended content for the Software Test Plan at a high level,

5.11 - STR - Software Test Report - Minimum recommended content for the Software Test Report. 

5.12 - SUM - Software User Manual - Minimum recommended content for the Software User Manual. 

5.13 - SwDD - Software Design Description - Minimum recommended content for a Software Design Description. 

5.14 - Test - Software Test Procedures - Minimum recommended content for the Software Test Procedures Plan. 

5.15 - Train - Software Training Plan - Minimum recommended content for the Software Training Plan. 

5.16 - VDD - Version Description Document - Minimum recommended content for the Version Description Document. 

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