- (SWEREF-001) Software Development Process Description Document, EI32-OI-001, Revision R, Flight and Ground Software Division, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), 2010.This NASA-specific information and resource is available in Software Processes Across NASA (SPAN), accessible to NASA-users from the SPAN tab in this Handbook.
- (SWEREF-072) Checklist for the Contents of Software Critical Design Review (CDR), 580-CK-008-02, Software Engineering Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), 2010. This NASA-specific information and resource is available in Software Processes Across NASA (SPAN), accessible to NASA-users from the SPAN tab in this Handbook.
- (SWEREF-073) Checklist for the Contents of Software Preliminary Design Review (PDR), 580-CK-007-02, Software Engineering Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), 2010. This NASA-specific information and resource is available in Software Processes Across NASA (SPAN), accessible to NASA-users from the SPAN tab in this Handbook.
- (SWEREF-096) Software Design Description Template, GRC-SW-TPLT-SDD, NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), 2011. This NASA-specific information and resource is available in Software Processes Across NASA (SPAN), accessible to NASA users from the SPAN tab in this Handbook.
- (SWEREF-176) Department of Defense, DI-MCCR-80012A, 1988.
- (SWEREF-370) ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017. NASA users can access ISO standards via the NASA Technical Standards System located at https://standards.nasa.gov/. Once logged in, search to get to authorized copies of ISO standards.
- (SWEREF-490) Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL). Retrieved on September 14, 2015 from http://appel.nasa.gov/about-us/history/.
- (SWEREF-501) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 310.
- (SWEREF-514) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 655.
- (SWEREF-515) Public Lessons Learned Entry 657.
- (SWEREF-517) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 707.
- (SWEREF-526) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 838.
- (SWEREF-550) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 1346.
- (SWEREF-551) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 1370.
- (SWEREF-557) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 1483.
- (SWEREF-571) Public Lessons Learned Entry: 2050.