Table of Terms
This table of terms includes acronyms and definitions that are used throughout the NASA Software Engineering Handbook (SWEHB). Acronyms are usually explained within the text in Books A through Book C using definitions that are revealed when one's cursor 'hovers' over the acronym.
Term | Definition |
** | Center Director or the Center Director's designed Engineering Technical Authority (joint Engineering TA & SMA TA if delegated) |
AADL | Architecture Analysis & Design Language |
abstraction | Abstraction captures and represents only those details about an object that are relevant to the current perspective. |
Accredit | The official acceptance of a software development tool, model, or simulation, (including associated data) to use for a specific purpose. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
Accuracy | The difference between a parameter or variable (or a set of parameters or variables) within a model, simulation, or experiment and the true value or the assumed true value (Definition from source document: NASA-STD-7009, Standard for Models and Simulations.) (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
ACM | Association for Computing Machinery |
Acq_Plan | Acquisition Planning. Acq_Plan is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Acquisition Planning. |
Acquirer | (1) stakeholder that acquires or procures a product or service from a supplier (ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15288) (2) individual or organization that specifies requirements for and accepts delivery of a new or modified software product and its documentation (IEEE 1058-1998) (3) individual or organization that acquires or procures a system, software product or software service from a supplier (ISO/IEC 25040) Note: The acquirer may be internal or external to the supplier organization. Acquisition of a software product may involve, but does not necessarily require, a legal contract or a financial transaction between the acquirer and supplier. From the IEEE resource listed in the blue box at the top of this terms list. |
ADPE | Automated Data Processing Equipment |
AF | Air Force or Audio Frequency |
ALB | Automated Link Builder |
AM | Asset Management |
Analysis | The post-processing or interpretation of the individual values, arrays, files of data, or execution information. (Source:both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) Also: It is a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other. (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) Analysis is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Analysis. |
ANSC | Class A - Not Safety-Critical. ANSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
AoA | Analysis of Alternatives |
APPEL | Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership |
APPS | Agency Principles and Processes |
ARC | Ames Research Center |
ASC | Class A - Safety-Critical. ASC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
assure | As defined in NASA Standard 8739.8, assure is used when software assurance practitioners make certain that the specified software assurance, management, and engineering activities have been performed by others. |
ATMOS | Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy |
ATTR | Acceptance Test Readiness Review |
Audit | A planned, independent and documented assessment to verify compliance to agreed-upon requirements. |
BiCE | Best-in-Class Example. BiCE is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Best-in-Class Example. |
BIT | built in test |
BNSC | Class B - Not Safety-Critical. BNSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
BOE | basis of estimate |
BP | Best Practice. BP is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Best Practice. |
BPR | Baseline Performance Review |
BSC | Class B - Safety-Critical. BSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
BSP | Board Support Package |
C | Center |
C & I | Coding and Integration. See also C-I. |
C-I | Coding and Integration. C-I is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Coding and Integration. Also C & I. |
CAB | Change Authorization Board |
CAD-CAM | computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing |
CADRe | Cost Analysis Data Requirement |
CAS | Credibility Assessment Scale |
CCB | Change Control Board or Configuration Control Board |
CCE | Center Chief Engineer. CCE is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Center Chief Engineer. |
CCP | Commercial Crew Program |
CD | Center Director. CD is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Center Director. For tagging purposes, includes Center Engineer Tech Authority and Center designated Tech Authority and also can be used for Center. |
CD* | Center Director or the Center Director's designed Engineering Technical Authority |
CDR | Critical Design Review. CDR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Critical Design Review. |
CE | NASA Chief Engineer |
CEP | Complex Event Processing |
CER | Code Error Rate or Cost Estimating Relationship |
CERT_C | A secure coding standard that is composed of 89 rules and 132 recommendations for producing secure code. |
CHMO | Chief Health and Medical Officer |
CI | Configuration Item |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CLCS | Checkout Launch Control System |
CM | Configuration Management. CM is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Configuration Management. |
CMD | command |
CMMI | Capability Maturity Model Integration |
CMMI-DEV | CMMI for Development |
CMP | Configuration Management Plan |
CNSC | Class C - Not Safety-Critical. CNSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
CO | Contracting Officer. Prepares acquisition approach, prepares solicitation, guides proposal evaluation, prepares contracts, prepares modifications to contracts. See Topic 7.3 - Acquisition Guidance. |
COCOMO | Constructive Cost Model |
cohesion | A measure of how strongly related each piece of functionality expressed by the source code of a software module is |
Computer Software Configuration Item | Computer Software Configuration Item. An aggregation of software that is designated for configuration management and treated as a single entity in the configuration management process. (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Computer System | A system containing one or more computers and associated software. (Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 Systems and software engineering—Vocabulary.) (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Contracted Software | Software created for a project by a contractor or subcontractor. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
COOP | Continuity of Operations Plan |
CoP | Community of Practice |
COTR | Contracting Officer Technical Representative. Works with CO to plan acquisition approach, prepare statement of work, evaluates proposals, determines the technical adequacy of proposed approach, monitor technical implementation. See Topic 7.3 - Acquisition Guidance. |
COTS | Commercial Off the Shelf |
coupling | The degree to which each program module relies on each other in the other modules |
Coverity SWAT | an old product name from the makers of Coverity software |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CR | Change Request |
CSA | Configuration Status Accounting |
CSAFS-SAFS | Central/Standard Autonomous File Server |
CSC | Computer Software Component. A functionally or logically distinct part of a computer software configuration item, typically an aggregate of two or more software units (ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and software engineering). CSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook indicating Class C - Safety-Critical. |
CSCI | Computer Software Configuration Items. An aggregation of software that is designated for configuration management and treated as a single entity in the configuration management process (ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and software engineering). |
CSMA | Center OSMA. CSMA is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Center OSMA. |
CSU | computer software unit |
CT | Center Training Org. |
CTO | Center Training Office. CTO is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Center Training Office. |
CTT | Compatibility Test Trailer |
DACUM | Developing a Curriculum |
DAR | Decision Analysis and Resolution |
DAS | Demand Access Service |
Data | Information for computer processing (e.g., numbers, text, images, and sounds in a form that is suitable for storage in or processing by a computer). (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
DBMS | Database Management System |
DCD | Data Capture and Delivery |
DCR | Database Change Request |
DDA | data distribution assembly digital differential analyzer digital data acquisition |
DDAS | Digital Data Acquisition System |
DDI | Data Delivery Interfaces |
DDP | Digital Data Processor |
DDS | Detailed Design Specification |
Definition of Objective Evidence |
Design | Design is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Design. |
Deviation | A documented authorization releasing a program or project from meeting a requirement before the requirement is put under configuration control at the level the requirement will be implemented. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
DGA | Designated Governing Authority |
DID | Data Item Description |
DLA | Design Logic Analysis |
DNSC | Class D - Not Safety-Critical. DNSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
DO | Defense Order |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DoDAF | Department of Defense Architecture Framework |
DPC | designated point of contact |
DR | Discrepancy Report |
DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory |
DSC | Class D - Safety-Critical. DSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
DSRC | Dryden Space Research Center |
DSS | Data Storage & Staging |
DTF | Development and Test Facility |
DTN | Delay Tolerant Network |
DTR | Detailed Technical Review |
Earned Value | The sum of budgeted cost for task and products that have actually been produced (completed or in progress) at a given time in the schedule. (Systems Engr. Handbook) |
EC | Equipment Cost(s) |
ECB | Engineering Change Board |
ECC | Emergency Control Center |
ECP | Engineering Change Proposal |
ECR | Engineering Change Requests |
EDG | Edison Design Group |
EDL | Entry, Descent, and Landing |
EEE | electrical, electronic, and electromechanical |
EEI | Engineering Excellence Initiative |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
EET | End-to-End Test |
Embedded Computer System | A computer system that is part of a larger system and performs some of the requirements of that system (Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 Systems and software engineering-Vocabulary.) |
Embedded Software | Software that is part of a larger system and performs some of the requirements of that system (Definition from source document: ISO/IEC 24765:2009 Systems and Software Engineering Vocabulary.). (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
ENC | Encoding/Decoding |
ENSC | Class E - Not Safety-Critical. ENSC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
ensure | As defined in NASA Standard 8739.8, ensure is used when software assurance practitioners themselves perform the specified software activities. |
ER | Enhancement Report |
ESC | Class E - Safety-Critical. ESC is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
Establish and Maintain | The responsible project, organization, or individual must formulate, document, use/deploy, and keep current the object (usually a document, requirement, process, or policy). (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
ETA | Engineering Technical Authority |
EVA | Extra Vehicular Activity |
F | Class F software. F is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation or Federal Acquisition Requirement |
FCA | Functional Configuration Audit |
FDC | Failure Detection and Correction |
FDIR | Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery |
FDP | File Data Processing |
FMEA | Failure Mode Effects Analysis |
FMECA | Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array |
FRACAS | Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System |
fred | maintainer |
FRR | Flight Readiness Review. FRR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Flight Readiness Review. |
FS | Flight System |
FSW | Flight Software |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis |
FTD | Fault Tolerant Design |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
FTS | Frequency & Timing Subsystem |
Function points | The functional user requirements of the software are identified and each one is categorized into one of five types: outputs, inquiries, inputs, internal files, and external interfaces. Once the function is identified and categorized into a type, it is then assessed for complexity and assigned a number of function points. |
G | General. Also, Class G software. G is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
Gbps | Gigabyte per second |
GCC | GNU Compiler Collection |
GFE | Government Furnished Equipment |
GIDEP | Government-Industry Data Exchange Program |
Glueware | Software created to connect the off-the-shelf software/reused software with the rest of the system. It may take the form of adapters that modify interfaces or add missing functionality, firewalls that isolate the off-the-shelf software, or wrappers that check inputs and outputs to the off-the-shelf software and may modify to prevent failures. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
GN&C | Guidance, Navigation, and Control |
GNC | guidance, navigation, and control |
GNU | GNU is a recursive acronym for 'GNU's Not Unix' It is a Unix-like computer operating system developed by the GNU Project, composed wholly of free software, is based on the GNU Hurd kernel and is intended to be a complete Unix-compatible software system. |
GOTS | Government Off-the-Shelf Software - This refers to Government-created software, usually from another project. The software was not created by the current developers (see software reuse). Usually, source code is included and documentation, including test and analysis results, is available. That is, the government is responsible for the GOTS software to be incorporated into another system. (Definition from source document: NASA-GB-8719.13, NASA Software Safety Guidebook.) (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
Government Off-The-Shelf (GOTS) Software | This refers to Government-created software, usually from another project. The software was not created by the current developers (see software reuse). Usually, source code is included and documentation, including test and analysis results, is available. That is, the government is responsible for the GOTS software to be incorporated into another system. (Definition from source document: NASA-GB-8719.13, NASA Software Safety Guidebook.) (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GQIM | Goal/Question/Indicator/Metric (methodology). |
GQM | Goal/Question/Metric (methodology). |
GRC | Glenn Research Center |
GS | Ground System |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
H | Class H software. H is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook. |
HDBK | Handbook |
Heritage | Software products (architecture, code, requirements) written specifically for one project and then, without prior planning during its initial development, found to be useful on other projects. See software reuse. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
HLD | High Level Design |
hover-over | The ability to embed definitions or other information about terms in the main body of the text. |
HQCE | NASA OCE. HQCE is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with NASA OCE. |
HQSMA | NASA OSMA. HQSMA is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with NASA OSMA. |
HW | Hardware |
HWCI | Hardware Configuration Items |
I&T | Integration and Test |
IA | Information Assurance or Independent Assessment. |
IBA | IV&V Board of Advisors |
IBD | IV&V Board of Directors |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
IDD | Interface Design Description |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IF | Intermediate Frequency or Inter-Facility Link |
IMS | Integrated Master Schedule |
In Over | Insight/Oversight. In/Over is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Insight/Oversight. (Note for ed. - wiki does not allow a forward slash in a page title.) |
IN | Integrated Network |
INA | Integrated Network Architecture |
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) | Verification and validation performed by an organization that is technically, managerially, and financially independent of the development organization (ISO/IEC 24765:2008 systems and software engineering vocabulary). (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
INM | Integrated Network Management |
INOC | Integrated Network Operations Center |
insight | Surveillance mode requiring the monitoring of customer-identified metrics and contracted milestones. Insight is a continuum that can range from low intensity, such as reviewing quarterly reports, to high intensity, such as performing surveys and reviews. (Definitions from source document: NPR 8735.2, Management of Government Safety and Mission Quality Assurance Surveillance Functions for NASA Contracts.) (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
IO | Input/Output |
IOC | Initial Operational Capability |
IP | Intellectual Property or Internet Protocol |
IPAO | Independent Program Assessment Office |
IPEP | IV&V Project Execution Plan |
IPS | Institutional Programmatic Support |
IR | Inheritance Review |
IRD | Interface Requirements Document |
ISD | Information Systems Division |
ISE | Integrated Service Execution |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISS | International Space Station |
ISSO | Information System Security Officer |
IT | Information Technology |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
iterative | The “application of a process to the same product or set of products to correct a discovered discrepancy or other variation from requirements,” |
IV&V | Independent Verification and Validation. Verification and validation performed by an organization that is technically, managerially, and financially independent of the development organization (ISO/IEC 24765:2008 systems and software engineering vocabulary). (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
IVV | Also IV&V. See Independent Verification and Validation. See also VV. IVV is the tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to indicate the IV&V Program as an organization have responsibility in regards to a requirement in 7150.2. IVV is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with IV&V. |
IVVF | IV&V Facility |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
JSC | Johnson Space Center |
KDP | Key Decision Point. (NPR 7150.2A) Each phase of the NASA Program or Project life cycle is typically marked by a Key Decision Point (KDP), which usually is associated with a prescribed major design review. A KDP is an event wherein the decision authority determines the readiness of a program/project to progress to the next phase of the life cycle. See also gate. (NPR 7150.2B) |
KSC | Kennedy Space Center |
KSLOC | Thousands of Source Lines of Code |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LaRC | Langley Research Center |
LCO | Link Control Operators |
Legacy | Software products (architecture, code, requirements) written specifically for one project and then, without prior planning during its initial development, found to be useful on other projects. See software reuse. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
LIDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
Life cycle | (noun) The totality of a program or project extending from formulation through implementation encompassing the elements of design, development, verification, production, operation, maintenance, support and disposal. (NPR 8705.2B, Appendix A) life-cycle (hyphenated) is an adjective describing an object (noun) as related to a software life cycle. |
LL | Lessons Learned. LL is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Lessons Learned. |
LLD | Low Level Design |
LLDP | Link Layer Data Processor |
LOC | Lines of Code |
LOE | Level of Effort |
LPS | Launch Processing System |
LRM | Low Rate Modem |
LRU | Line Replacable Unit or Lowest Replacable Unit |
M&A | Measurement and Analysis. See also M-A. |
M&S | Models and Simulations |
M-A | Measurement and Analysis. M-A is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Measurement and Analysis. Also M&A. |
MA | Multiple Access |
Major Engineering Facility | Used in this document to show research, development, test, or simulation facilities representing a significant NASA investment which contains software that supports programs and projects managed under NPR 7120.5, NPR 7120.7, or NPR 7120.8. Examples include: high-fidelity, motion-base flight simulator facilities (e.g., Vertical Motion Simulator at Ames), wind tunnels (e.g., National Transonic Facility at LaRC), vacuum chambers (e.g., Space Power Facility at GRC/Plum Brook), air traffic control facilities (e.g., North Texas Research Station), and engine test stands (e.g., J-2X test stand at Stennis Space Center). Related major facility designations are contained in NPR 8800.15, Section 3.8.1, Designation of Major Facilities. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
Major Engineering Research Facility | Used in this document to show research, development, test, or simulation facilities representing a significant NASA investment (facilities with a Current Replace Value (CRV) equal to or greater than 50 million dollars) which contains software that supports programs and projects managed under NPR 7120.5, NPR 7120.7, or NPR 7120.8 and that have a Mission Dependency Index value equal to or greater than 70. (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Major Research Facility | Used in this document to show research, development, test, or simulation facilities representing a significant NASA investment which contains software that supports programs and projects managed under NPR 7120.5, NPR 7120.7, or NPR 7120.8. Examples include: high-fidelity, motion-base flight simulator facilities (e.g., Vertical Motion Simulator at Ames), wind tunnels (e.g., National Transonic Facility at LaRC), vacuum chambers (e.g., Space Power Facility at GRC/Plum Brook), air traffic control facilities (e.g., North Texas Research Station), and engine test stands (e.g., J-2X test stand at Stennis Space Center). Related major facility designations are contained in NPR 8800.15, Section 3.8.1, Designation of Major Facilities. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
Mathematical Model | The mathematical equations, boundary values, initial conditions, and modeling data needed to describe the conceptual model (ASME V&V 10). (Definition from source document: NASA-STD-7009, Standard for Models and Simulations.) (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
MBDS | Model Based Development System |
MCO | Mars Climate Orbiter |
MCR | Mission Concept Review. MCR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Mission Concept Review. |
MD | Each Mission Directorate. MD is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Mission Directorate. |
MDBS | Model Based Development System |
MDM | Metadata Manager |
MDR | Mission Definition Review. MDR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Mission Definition Review. |
MER | Mars Exploration Rover |
MIB | Mishap Investigation Board |
MICD | Mechanical Interface Control Drawing |
MISRA C | MISRA C is a software development standard for the C programming language developed by MISRA (Motor Industry Software Reliability Association). |
Mission Critical | Item or function that must retain its operational capability to assure no mission failure (i.e., for mission success). (Definition from source document: NPR 8715.3, NASA General Safety Manual Program Requirements.) (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
ML | Maturity Level |
MO | Mars Observer |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOC | Mission Operations Center |
MoDAF | British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework |
Model | A description or representation of a system, entity, phenomena, or process. (Definition from source document: NASA-STD-7009, Standard for Models and Simulations.) Only for the purpose of this document, the term model refers to only those models which are implemented in software. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
MODEM | Modulator / demodulator |
Modified Off-The-Shelf (MOTS) Software | When COTS, legacy/heritage software is reused, or heritage software is changed, the product is considered modified. The changes can include all or part of the software products and may involve additions, deletions, and specific alterations. An argument can be made that any alterations to the code and/or design of an off-the-shelf software component constitutes modification, but the common usage allows for some percentage of change before the off-the-shelf software is declared to be MOTS software. This may include the changes to the application shell and/or glueware to add or protect against certain features and not to the off-the-shelf software system code directly. See off-the-shelf. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Monte Carlo Method | Monte Carlo methods use random numbers to obtain numerical solutions when analytical methods are too difficult to use. When using Monte Carlo methods with cost models, they are used to simulate the estimated cost distribution. |
MOTS | Modified/Modifiable/Military off-the-shelf Software |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPL | Mars Polar Lander |
MRC | Monthly Recurring Cost(s) |
MRR | Mission Readiness Review |
MSFC | Marshall Space Flight Center |
MSG | Management Steering Group |
MSL | Mars Science Laboratory |
MSR | Monthly Status Review |
MSSC | Mission Software Steering Committee |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTTR | Mean Time to Repair |
MUX | Multiplex |
NARA | National Archives and Records Administration |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NC&C | Network Asset Configuration & Control |
NCS | Network Control System |
NDIA | National Defense Industrial Association |
NEN | NASA Engineering Network |
NGN | NASA Ground Network |
NHB | NASA Handbook |
NISN | NASA Integrated Services Network |
NIST | National Institute of Technology |
NOC | Network Operations Center |
NOCC | Network Operations Control Center |
NODIS | NASA Online Directives Information System |
non-null set | a set that must contain at least one member |
NON | Network Operations Node |
NPAS | Network Planning & Analysis System |
NPD | NASA Policy Directive |
NPR | NASA Procedural Requirement |
NRC | Non-Recurring Cost(s) |
NRT | Near Real-Time |
NS | Network Scheduling |
NSAP | Network Service Assurance Plan |
NSC | Non-Safety-Critical |
NSEI | NASA Software Engineering Initiative |
NSEII | NASA Software Engineering Initiative Implementation |
NSEIIP | NASA Software Engineering Initiative Implementation Plan |
NSR | Nominal Slow Rate |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
NTR | Network Service Assurance Plan (NSAP) Technology Refresh |
O&M | Operations & Maintenance |
OCE | Office of the Chief Engineer |
OCIO | Office of the Chief Information Officer |
ODIN | Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for NASA |
Off-The-Shelf Software | Software not developed in-house or by a contractor for the specific project now underway. The software is generally developed for a different purpose than the current project. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) Used in practice as umbrella for COTS, GOTS, and MOTS. (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
OGOTS | Open Government Off the Shelf. An Open GOTS (OGOTS) project is a GOTS project which uses multiple-organization collaborative development approaches to develop and maintain software, in a manner similar to OSS. (Definition from: |
OMG | Object Management Group |
OOD | Object Oriented Design |
Open Source Software (OSS) | Software that the recipient is free to use for any purpose: to make copies of the software and to distribute the copies without payment of royalties, to modify the software and to distribute the modified software without payment of royalties, to access and use the source code of the software, and to combine the software with other software in accordance with open-source licenses/agreements. Open-source software is a sub-category of Publicly Releasable software. (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A.) |
Operational Software | Software that has been accepted and deployed, delivered to its customer, or is deployed in its intended environment. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
ORR | Operational Readiness Review. ORR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Operational Readiness Review. |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection |
OSMA | Office of Safety and Mission Assurance |
OSP | Orbital Space Plane |
OSS | Open Source Software |
OTS | Off the Shelf |
oversight | Oversight is a surveillance process that implies a more active supervision of a contractor's processes and decision making. Oversight is often used in problem areas. (From the NASA Program and Project Management Handbook (NPR 7120.5 Handbook, February, 2010). |
P | Project |
P Center | P ( C ) = P(Center) - Per approved Center defined process which meets a non-empty subset of the full requirement. |
P(C) | P ( C ) = P(Center) - Per approved Center defined process which meets a non-empty subset of the full requirement. |
P(C) SO | P(C) + SO = P (Center) + SO - Responsible party is required to meet this requirement to the extent necessary to satisfy safety-critical aspects of the software and follow Center defined P (Center) processes for other aspects of the software. |
PAL | Process Asset Library |
PAR | Published Appraisal Results |
PAT | Process Asset Template |
PBMA | Process Based Mission Assurance |
PBRA | Portfolio Based Risk Assessment |
PC | Project Closeout. PC is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Project Closeout. |
PCA | Physical Configuration Audit |
Probability Distribution function | |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review. PDR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Preliminary Design Review. |
PE | Process Engineering. PE is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Process Engineering. |
PERT | Program Evaluation and Review Technique |
PF | Project Formulation. PF is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Project Formulation. |
PHA | Preliminary Hazard Analysis |
PI | Project Implementation. PI is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Project Implementation. |
Plan | Plan is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Plans. Not to be confused with the tag Acq_Plan (Acquisition Plan). See also Acq_Plan. |
PLD | Programmable Logic Device. |
PLOP | physical link operations procedure |
PM | Project Manager. PM is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Project. |
PM&C | Project Monitoring and Control. See also PM-C. |
PM-C | Project Monitoring and Control. PM-C is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Project Monitoring and Control. |
PMC | Process Monitoring and Control |
PMSR | Preliminary Systems & Mission Review |
POA&M | Plan of actions and milestones |
POC | point of contact |
PP | Project Planning. PP is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Project Planning. |
PR | Product Release. PR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Product Release. |
PRA | Probabilistic Risk Assessment |
PRACA | Problem Report and Corrective Action |
PRACAS | Problem Reporting and Corrective Action System |
Primary Mission Objectives | Outcomes expected to be accomplished which are closely associated with the reason the mission was proposed, funded, developed, and operated (e.g., objectives related to top-level requirements or their flow down). (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Procedure | Procedure is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Procedures. |
Process | Process is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Processes. |
Process Asset Library (PAL) | A collection of process asset holdings that can be used by an organization or project. (Definition from source document: CMMI^®^ for- Systems Engineering/Software Engineering/Integrated Product and Process Development Supplier Sourcing.) (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Prod_Desc | Prod_Desc is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Product Descriptions. |
Program | A strategic investment by a Mission Directorate or Mission Support Office that has a defined architecture and/or technical approach, requirements, funding level, and a management structure that initiates and directs one or more projects. A program defines a strategic direction that the Agency has identified as critical. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Project | A specific investment having defined goals, objectives, requirements, life cycle cost, a beginning, and an end. A project yields new or revised products or services that directly address NASA's strategic needs. They may be performed wholly in-house; by Government, industry, academia partnerships, or through contracts with private industry. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Project Manager | Approves a procurement plan. See Topic 7.3 - Acquisition Guidance. |
PROM | Persistent memory that cannot be modified. |
PRR | Production Readiness Review. PRR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Production Readiness Review. |
PSLA | Project Service Level Agreements |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QPSK | quadrature phase-shift keying |
RAF | Requirements Analysis Form |
RASDS | Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems |
RBA | Risk-Based Assessment |
Records | Records is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Records. |
recursive | The repeated application of processes to design next lower layer system products or to realize next upper layer end products within the system structure. |
relevant stakeholders | Stakeholders that are identified for involvement in specified activities and are included in a plan. See also Stakeholder. |
Relevant Stakeholder | A stakeholder that is identified for involvement in specified activities and is included in a plan. See also Stakeholder. |
Reports | Reports is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Reports. |
Reuse | See software reuse. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
RFA | Request for Action |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RID | Review Item Disposition. |
Risk Management | An organized, systematic decision-making process that efficiently identifies, analyzes, plans, tracks, controls, communicates, and documents risk to increase the likelihood of achieving program/project goals. (Definition from source document: NPR 8735.2, Management of Government Quality Safety and Mission Assurance Surveillance Functions for NASA Contracts, NPR7150.2B - Appendix A.) Risk management includes Risk-Informed Decision Making and Continuous Risk Management in an integrated framework. This is done to foster proactive risk management, to better inform decision making through better use of risk information, and then to more effectively manage implementation risks by focusing the Continuous Risk Management process on the baseline performance requirements emerging from the Risk-Informed Decision-Making process. (Definition from source document: NPR 8000.4, Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements.) (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
RM-ODP | Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing |
ROI | return on investment |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude: An estimate of the resource required that is based on a person's experience and not on a summation of individual cost estimates. |
RT | Real Time |
RTOS | Real-Time Operating System |
RTU | Remote Terminal Unit |
SA | NASA Chief Safety and Mission Assurance. Software Assurance. SA is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Software Assurance. |
SA&R | Service Accountability and Reporting |
SACR | Software Assurance Classification Report |
Safety Compliance Data Package | The safety compliance data package (SCDP) shall document the identification, causes, controls, and verification methods for each hazard. (1999 NASA Dryden document). |
Safety-Critical Software | See definition in NASA-STD-8719.13, Software Safety Standard. (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
SAFS | Standard Autonomous File Server |
SAM | Supplier Agreement Management. Software Assurance Manager. SAM is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Software Assurance Manager. |
SAN | Storage Area Network |
SAP | Software Assurance Plan |
SAR | System Acceptance Review. SAR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with System Acceptance Review. |
SARP | Software Assurance Research Program |
SATERN | System for Administration, Training and Educational Resources for NASA |
SBU | Sensitive But Unclassified |
SC | Safety-Critical |
SCAMPI | Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement |
SCM | Software Configuration Management |
SCMP | Software Configuration Management Plan |
SCR | Software Change Request |
Scripts | A sequence of automated computer commands embedded in a program that tells the program to execute a specific procedure (e.g., files with monitoring, logic, or commands used by software to automate a process or procedure). (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
SDD | Software Design Description/Document |
SDLC | Software Development Life Cycle |
SDP | Software Development Plan |
SDR | System Definition Review. System Design Review. SDR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with System Design Review. |
SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. |
SEB | Source Evaluation Board |
SED | Software Engineering Division |
SEI | Software Engineering Institute |
SEIP | Software Engineering Initiative Plan |
SEL | Software Engineering Laboratory |
SEMP | Systems Engineering Management Plan |
Sensitivity Analysis | The study of how the variation in the output of a model can be apportioned to different sources of variation in the model input and parameters. (Definition from source document: NASA-STD-7009, Standard for Models and Simulations.) (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
SEPG | Software Engineering Process Group |
SGL | Space Ground Link |
SIMS | Software Inventory Management System |
Simulation | The imitation of the characteristics of a system, entity, phenomena, or process using a computational model. (Definition from source document: NASA-STD-7009, Standard for Models and Simulations.) Only for the purpose of this document, the term simulation refers to only those simulations which are implemented in software. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
SIR | System Integration Review. SIR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with System Integration Review. |
SIS | Software Interface Specification |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SLOC | Source Lines of Code |
SLWT | Super Light Weight Tank |
SM | Supplier Monitoring. SM is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Supplier Monitoring. |
SMA | Safety and Mission Assurance. Also S&MA. See also OSMA. |
SMARTS | Safety and Mission Assurance Requirements Tracking System. SMARTS is from the NASA SMART program that Dr. John Lyver developed to pull requirements from standards and NPRs into one database for easy searching. |
SMDP | Software Management and Development Plan |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMP | Software Management Plan |
SMR | Software Metrics Report |
SMSR | Safety and Mission Success Review |
SNE-E | Space Network Extension - East |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SO | SO - 'Safety Only' - Project is required to meet this requirement to the extent necessary to satisfy safety-critical aspects of the software. |
SOD | Supervisor On Duty |
Software | Computer programs, procedures, scripts, rules, and associated documentation and data pertaining to the development and operation of a computer system. Software includes programs and data. This also includes COTS, GOTS, MOTS, reused software, auto generated code, embedded software, firmware, and open source software components. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Software Architecture | The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components, the properties of those components, and the relationships between them. The term also refers to documentation of a system's software architecture. Documenting software architecture facilitates communication between stakeholders, documents early decisions about high-level design, and allows reuse of design components and patterns between projects. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Software Assurance | The planned and systematic set of activities that ensure that software life cycle processes and products conform to requirements, standards, and procedures. For NASA, this includes the disciplines of software quality (functions of software quality engineering, software quality assurance, and software quality control), software safety, software reliability, software verification and validation, and IV&V. (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A.) |
Software Engineering | The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software: that is, the application of engineering to software. (Definition from source document: IEEE 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.) (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Software Item | Source code, object code, control code, control data, or a collection of these items. (Source: NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A.) |
Software Lead Engineer | Prepares procurement plan, prepares SOW software requirements and software data requirements for the contract, monitors execution of contract, conducts trade studies, engineering analyses. See Topic 7.3 - Acquisition Guidance. |
Software Peer Inspection | A visual examination of a software product to detect and identify software anomalies, including errors and deviations from standards and specifications (IEEE 1028-2008 IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits). Guidelines for software peer reviews/inspections are contained in NASA-STD-2202-93, NASA Software Formal Inspection Standard. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Software Peer Review | A visual examination of a software product to detect and identify software anomalies, including errors and deviations from standards and specifications (IEEE 1028-2008 IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits). Guidelines for software peer reviews/inspections are contained in NASA-STD-2202-93, NASA Software Formal Inspection Standard. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Software Reuse | A software product developed for one use but having other uses or one developed specifically to be usable on multiple projects or in multiple roles on one project. Examples include, but are not limited to, COTS products, acquirer-furnished software products, software products in reuse libraries, and pre-existing developer software products. Each use may include all or part of the software product and may involve its modification. This term can be applied to any software product (such as, requirements and architectures), not just to software code itself. Often this is software previously written by an in-house development team and used on a different project. GOTS software would come under this category if the product is supplied from one Government project to another Government project. (Definition from source document: NASA-GB-8719.13, NASA Software Safety Guidebook.) (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Software Technical Authority | Prior to contract release, verify that the SOW includes the complete flow down of the agency and Center software requirements [recommended practice]. See also Topic 7.3 - Acquisition Guidance. |
Software Unit | (1) Separately compilable piece of code (2) the lowest element in one or more software components |
Software Validation | Confirmation that the product, as provided (or as it will be provided), fulfills its intended use. In other words, validation ensures that you built the right thing. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
Software Verification | Confirmation that work products properly reflect the requirements specified for them. In other words, verification ensures that you built it correctly. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
SOW | Statement of Work |
SPAN | Software Process Across NASA |
SPC | Shuttle Processing Contract |
SpecTRM | Specification Tools and Requirements Methodology |
SPWG | Space Protection Working Group |
SQA | Software Quality Assurance |
SQAP | Software Quality Assurance Plan |
SRA | Software Release Authority. SRA is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Software Release Authority. |
SRE | Software Requirements Engineer. SRE is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Software Requirements Engineer. |
SRR | System Requirements Review. SRR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with System Requirements Review. |
SRRA | Software Release Request Authorization |
SRS | Software Requirement Specification |
SSA | Source Selection Authority |
SSAMP | Software Supplier Agreement Management Plan |
SSC | Stennis Space Center |
SSE | Software Systems Engineer. SSE is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Software Systems Engineer. |
SSP | Software Safety Plan |
stakeholder | A group or individual affected or in some way accountable for the outcome of an undertaking. |
Static Analysis | The process of evaluating a system or component based on its form, structure, content, or documentation. (Definition from source document: ISO/IEC 24765:2008 systems and software engineering vocabulary.) (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
STEP | SMA (Safety and Mission Assurance) Technical Excellence Program |
STI | Scientific and Technical Information |
STP | Software Test Plan |
STPr | Software Test Procedure |
STR | Software Test Report |
STS | Shuttle Transportation System |
STSC | Software Technology Support Center |
Studies | Studies is a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Studies. |
Subsystem | A secondary or subordinate system within a larger system. (Definition from source document: ISO/IEC 24765:2008 systems and software engineering vocabulary.) (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
SUM | Software User's Manual |
Supplier | (1) organization or individual that enters into an agreement with the acquirer for the supply of a product or service (ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15288, ISO/IEC 15939) (2) organization that develops some or all of the project deliverables for an acquirer (IEEE 1058-1998) (3) individual or organization that enters into a contract with the acquirer for the supply of a system, software product or software service under the terms of the contract (ISO/IEC 25040) (4) a person or organization that enters into a contract with the acquirer for the supply of a software product (which may be part of a system) under the terms of the contract (IEEE 1062, 1998 Edition (R2002)) (5) the person, or persons, who produce a product for a customer (IEEE 830-1998 ) (6) organization or part of an organization that is external to the service provider's organization and enters into a contract with the service provider to contribute to the design, transition, delivery and improvement of a service or services or processes (ISO/IEC 20000-1) From IEEE Resource listed in the blue box at the top of this terms list. |
Sus_Engr | Sustaining Engineering and Maintenance. Sus_Engr is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Sustaining Engineering and Maintenance. |
SVD | Software Version Description |
SVVP | Software Verification and Validation Plan |
SW | Software |
SWE | software engineering requirement |
SWE 301 | SWE 301 is the software engineering course for software fundamentals. It is described in the curricula found at the OCE software training site. |
SWEET | Software Engineering Technical Excellence Training |
SWEHB | Software Engineering Handbook. |
SWG | Software Working Group |
SwRR | Software Requirements Review |
SysML | Systems Modelling Language |
System | The combination of elements that function together to produce the capability required to meet a need. The elements include hardware, software, equipment, facilities, personnel, processes, and procedures needed for this purpose. (Definition from source document: NPR 7123.1A NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements.) (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
System Engineer | Conducts trade studies, engineering analyses. See Topic 7.3 - Acquisition Guidance. |
TA | Engineering Technical Authority for NPR 7150.2 by Requirement (see Note 3) |
Tag | Tagging is an additional way for users to browse and discover content within the SWEWHB. It also provides metadata about the Handbook sections, requirements numbers (i.e., SWE-110), and NASA PAL attachments. The term 'tag' is identical to the term 'label' in the context of the Handbook. |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TBR | To Be Resolved |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TDN | Temporal Dependence Network |
Test Term | Test definition. |
TIM | Technical Interface Meeting |
TM | technical manual or time management |
TOGAF | The Open Group Architecture Forum |
Tool | Tool is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Tools. |
TPM | Technical Performance Measures |
Train | Train is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Training. |
Transition Criteria | An event or set of conditions which, when satisfied, allows a process to begin (enter) or end (exit). |
TRR | Test Readiness Review. TRR is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Test Readiness Review. |
TS&R | Technical Scope and Rigor |
TT&C | Tracking, Telemetry and Command |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
UDTP | User Data Transfer Proxy |
UIP | User Interface Proxy |
ULR | Uplink Exciter & Ranging |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
Uncertainty | (1) The estimated amount or percentage by which an observed or calculated value may differ from the true value. (2) A broad and general term used to describe an imperfect state of knowledge or a variability resulting from a variety of factors including, but not limited to, lack of knowledge, applicability of information, physical variation, randomness or stochastic behavior, indeterminacy, judgment, and approximation (adapted from NPR 8715.3B, NASA General Safety Program Requirements). (Source: NPR 7150.2A - Appendix A) |
USA | United Space Alliance |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USG | User Service Gateway |
V&V | Verification and Validation. See also V-V. |
V-V | Verification and Validation. V-V is also a search tag used in this Software Engineering Handbook to designate a subject relationship with Verification and Validation. |
VDD | Version Description Document |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VV | IV&V Program |
Waiver | A documented authorization intentionally releasing a program or project from meeting a requirement after the requirement is put under configuration control at the level the requirement will be implemented. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure |
WFF | Wallops Flight Facility |
wiki | A wiki is a website whose users can add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. The SWEHB wiki only allows suggestions for additions, modifications, or deletions. Actual changes will be reviewed and, if approved, made by the SWEHB development team. |
Wrapper | See glueware definition. (Source: both NPR 7150.2A and NPR 7150.2B - Appendix A) |
WSTF | White Sands Test Facility |
WY | Work Year |
WYE | Work Year Equivalent |
X | X - 'Required' - Responsible party is required to meet the requirement as written. |
X (SO if D-E) | X (SO if D-E) - Required for A-C, Required for D-E if SO ('Safety Only' - Project is required to meet this requirement to the extent necessary to satisfy safety-critical aspects of the software.) |
XMTR | Transmitter |