
SWE-036 - Last used in rev NPR 7150.2D

RevSWE Statement

2.5.5 The project shall determine which software processes, activities, and tasks are required for the project.

Difference between A and B

Added to list of required items to be determined by the PM; Added software supplier to the scope.


3.12.5 The project manager shall determine which software processes, software documents, electronic products, software activities, and tasks are required for the project and software suppliers.

Difference between B and C

Changed "determine" to "establish and maintain"; Expanded the scope of required items for the project to include software documentation plans, list of developed electronic products, deliverables, and list of tasks for the software development; Added requirement to list the action required of the Government upon receipt of each of the deliverables.


3.1.6 The project manager shall establish and maintain the software processes, software documentation plans, list of developed electronic products, deliverables, and list of tasks for the software development that are required for the project’s software developers, as well as the action required (e.g., approval, review) of the Government upon receipt of each of the deliverables.

Difference between C and DNo change

3.1.6 The project manager shall establish and maintain the software processes, software documentation plans, list of developed electronic products, deliverables, and list of tasks for the software development that are required for the project’s software developers, as well as the action required (e.g., approval, review) of the Government upon receipt of each of the deliverables.

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