
SWE-006 - Last used in rev NPR 7150.2D

RevSWE Statement

1.2.5 To support compliance with NASA policy and facilitate the application of resources to mitigate risk, the NASA Headquarters' Chief Engineer, in coordination with the Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance, shall maintain a reliable list of the Agency's programs and projects containing software.

Difference between A and BShifted responsibility  for maintaining list of programs and projects to each Centers and based it on class. Removed effort to support compliance with NASA policies and risk mitigation. 
B Center Directors, or designees, shall maintain a reliable list of their Center's programs and projects containing Class A, B, C, and D software. The list should include:

a. Project/program name and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) number.

b. Software name(s) and WBS number(s).

c. Software size estimate (report in Kilo/Thousand Source Lines of Code (KSLOCs)).

d. Phase of development or operations.

e. Safety-Critical Software (Yes or No).

f. Software Class or list of the software classes being development on the project.

g. For each Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI)/Major System containing Class A, B, or C software, provide:

(1) The name of the software development organization.

(2) Title or brief description of the CSCI/Major System.

(3) The estimated total KSLOC the CSCI/Major System represents.

(4) The primary programming languages used.

(5) Primary life cycle methodology being used on the software project.

(6) Name of responsible software assurance organization(s).

Difference between B and C

No Change

C Center Director, or designee, shall maintain a reliable list of their Center’s programs and projects containing Class A, B, C, and D software. The list should include:

a. Project/program name and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) number.

b. Software name(s) and WBS number(s).

c. Software size estimate (report in Kilo/Thousand Source Lines of Code (KSLOCs)).

d. The phase of development or operations.

e. Software Class or list of the software classes being used on the project.

f. Software safety-critical status.

g. For each Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI)/Major System containing Class A, B, or C software, provide:

(1) The name of the software development organization.

(2) Title or brief description of the CSCI/Major System.

(3) The estimated total KSLOCs, the CSCI/Major System, represents.

(4) The primary programming languages used.

(5) The life-cycle methodology on the software project.

(6) Name of responsible software assurance organization(s).

Difference between C and DNo Change
D Center Director, or designee, shall maintain a reliable list of their Center’s programs and projects containing Class A, B, C, and D software. The list should include: 

a. Project/program name and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) number.
b. Software name(s) and WBS number(s).
c. Software size estimate (report in Kilo/Thousand Source Lines of Code (KSLOCs)).
d. The phase of development or operations.
e. Software Class or list of the software classes being used on the project.
f. Software safety-critical status.
g. For each Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI)/Major System containing Class A, B, or C software, provide:

(1) The name of the software development organization.
(2) Title or brief description of the CSCI/Major System.
(3) The estimated total KSLOCs, the CSCI/Major System, represents.
(4) The primary programming languages used.
(5) The life cycle methodology on the software project.
(6) Name of responsible software assurance organization(s).

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