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This guidance provides the maximum set of life cycle review entrance and exit criteria for software projects and should be tailored for the project class. This guidance is a summarized collection of material from the following core documents: NPR 7123.1, Appendix G 082-T73; NPR 7120.5 082; and Center Procedures. This guidance includes three types of information for each review: This guidance is focused on the responsibilities of the software engineering community throughout the project life cycle reviews. Therefore, the guidance includes reviews and products which are the primary responsibility of the software engineering community as well as software engineering community contributions to system activities and products, such as the Project Plan. Note that different mission types (e.g., robotic vs. human) can have different life cycles and, therefore, different sets of life cycle reviews which apply. This material considers a software project to be a system of systems as well as a single subsystem within the larger project. "System of systems" refers to a software project that includes software subsystems that perform functions allocated to them. Just as a project allocates requirements to hardware, software, external components, etc., software projects allocate software requirements to software subsystems. This material has been reviewed by the Software Working Group and the Office of the Chief Engineer. Including the resources in the list below, information was pulled and consolidated based on repetition between Center Process Asset Libraries (PALs) and documents (Ames Research Center (ARC), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Stennis Space Center (SSC)). The MCR affirms the mission need and examines the proposed mission's objectives and the concept for meeting those objectives. Key technologies are identified and assessed. It is an internal review that usually occurs at the cognizant system development organization. Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) budget and schedules are presented. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The SRR examines the functional and performance requirements defined for the system and the preliminary Program or Project Plan and ensures that the requirements and the selected concept will satisfy the mission. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria See definition of SRR. Jump to: Entrance Criteria - General | Entrance Criteria - Plans | Entrance Criteria - Requirements | Entrance Criteria - Design | Entrance Criteria - Analysis | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The MDR (or SDR) examines the proposed requirements, the mission/system architecture, and the flow down to all functional elements of the system. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The MDR (or SDR) examines the proposed requirements, the mission/system architecture, and the flow down to all functional elements of the system. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The PDR demonstrates that the preliminary design meets all system requirements with acceptable risk and within the cost and schedule constraints and establishes the basis for proceeding with detailed design. It shows that the correct design option has been selected, interfaces have been identified, and verification methods have been described. Full baseline cost and schedules, as well as risk assessments, management systems, and metrics are presented. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria - General | Entrance Criteria - Plans | Entrance Criteria - Requirements | Entrance Criteria - Design | Entrance Criteria - Analysis | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The CDR demonstrates that the maturity of the design is appropriate to support proceeding with full scale fabrication, assembly, integration, and test, and that the technical effort is on track to complete the flight and ground system development and mission operations in order to meet mission performance requirements within the identified cost and schedule constraints. Progress against management plans, budget, and schedule, as well as risks assessments are presented. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria - General | Entrance Criteria - Plans | Entrance Criteria - Requirements | Entrance Criteria - Design | Entrance Criteria - Analysis | Entrance Criteria - Other | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The PRR is held for projects developing or acquiring multiple similar or identical flight and/or ground support systems. The purpose of the PRR is to determine the readiness of the system developer(s) to efficiently produce (build, integrate, test, and launch) the required number of systems. The PRR also evaluates how well the production plans address the system's operational support requirements. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The SIR evaluates the readiness of the project to start flight system assembly, test, and launch operations. V&V Planning, integration plans, and test plans are reviewed. Test articles (hardware/software), test facilities, support personnel, and test procedures are ready for testing and data acquisition, reduction, and control. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The TRR ensures that the test article (hardware/software), test facility, support personnel, and test procedures are ready for testing and data acquisition, reduction, and control. (NPR 7123.1 041) Jump to: Entrance Criteria - General | Entrance Criteria - Plans | Entrance Criteria - Requirements | Entrance Criteria - Design | Entrance Criteria - Analysis | Entrance Criteria - Other | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The SAR verifies the completeness of the specific end item with respect to the expected maturity level and to assess compliance to stakeholder expectations. The SAR examines the system, its end items and documentation, and test data and analyses that support verification. It also ensures that the system has sufficient technical maturity to authorize its shipment to the designated operational facility or launch site. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The ORR examines the actual system characteristics and the procedures used in the system or product's operation and ensures that all system and support (flight and ground) hardware, software, personnel, and procedures are ready for operations and that user documentation accurately reflects the deployed state of the system. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria The FRR examines tests, demonstrations, analyses, and audits that determine the system's readiness for a safe and successful flight/launch and for subsequent flight operations. It also ensures that all flight and ground hardware, software, personnel, and procedures are operationally ready. (NPR 7120.5 082) Jump to: Entrance Criteria | Items Reviewed | Exit/Success Criteria
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Entrance and Exit Criteria
Source of Content
Mission Concept Review (MCR)
MCR Entrance Criteria
MCR Items Reviewed
MCR Exit/Success Criteria
System Requirements Review (SRR)
SRR Entrance Criteria
SRR Items Reviewed
SRR Exit/Success Criteria
Software Requirements Review (SwRR)
SwRR Entrance Criteria - General
SwRR Entrance Criteria - Plans
SwRR Entrance Criteria - Requirements
SwRR Entrance Criteria - Design
SwRR Entrance Criteria - Analysis
SwRR Items Reviewed
SwRR Exit/Success Criteria
Mission Definition Review (MDR)
MDR Entrance Criteria
MDR Items Reviewed
MDR Exit/Success Criteria
System Definition Review (SDR)
SDR Entrance Criteria
SDR Items Reviewed
SDR Exit/Success Criteria
Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
Entrance Criteria - General
PDR Entrance Criteria - Plans
PDR Entrance Criteria - Requirements
PDR Entrance Criteria - Design
PDR Entrance Criteria - Analysis
PDR Items Reviewed
PDR Exit/Success Criteria
Critical Design Review (CDR)
CDR Entrance Criteria - General
CDR Entrance Criteria - Plans
CDR Entrance Criteria - Requirements
CDR Entrance Criteria - Design
CDR Entrance Criteria - Analysis
CDR Entrance Criteria - Other
CDR Items Reviewed
CDR Exit/Success Criteria
Production Readiness Review (PRR)
PRR Entrance Criteria
PRR Items Reviewed
PRR Exit/Success Criteria
System Integration Review (SIR)
SIR Entrance Criteria
SIR Items Reviewed
SIR Exit/Success Criteria
Test Readiness Review (TRR)
TRR Entrance Criteria - General
TRR Entrance Criteria - Plans
TRR Entrance Criteria - Requirements
TRR Entrance Criteria - Design
TRR Entrance Criteria - Analysis
TRR Entrance Criteria - Other
TRR Items Reviewed
TRR Exit/Success Criteria
System Acceptance Review (SAR)
SAR Entrance Criteria
SAR Items Reviewed
SAR Exit/Success Criteria
Operational Readiness Review (ORR)
ORR Entrance Criteria
ORR Items Reviewed
ORR Exit/Success Criteria
Flight Readiness Review (FRR)
FRR Entrance Criteria
FRR Items Reviewed
FRR Exit/Success Criteria